Kaj je protin?

Gout is a painful, potentially fatal form of arthritis that has been known since ancient times. Gout is a painful condition that causes intense swelling of the joints. Usually, the pain occurs in the feet and especially the big toe. Reddening and temperature may occur at the affected area. Gout can be controlled with most treatments. Gout diagnosis can be complicated and the treatment plan must be personalized to each patient.

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout: Protin Home Rešitev

What causes Gout?

Gout is a condition in which excess uric acid, a normal waste product, builds up and deposits needle-like urate crystals in the joints. It can be caused by an increase in uric acids production, or more commonly, because the kidneys are unable to remove enough uric acid.

Dobra prehrana je bistvenega pomena za preprečevanje protina: Dieta za protin

Gout attacks can be caused by certain foods and drugs that raise the uric acid level.

These include:

  • Red meat and seafood are two examples of foods that you might enjoy.
  • excessive alcohol;
  • Sugary drinks and foods high fructose; certain medications
  • Aspirin should be taken in low doses. However, it can protect against strokes and heart attacks so we don’t recommend that anyone with gout stop using it.
  • Some diuretics (water pills) such as hydrochlorothiazide, Esidrix and Hydro-D;
  • Organ transplantation is done with immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine (Neoral and Sandimmune) or tacrolimus [Prograf].
  • Elevated blood uric acid can cause urate crystals to form around joints and other areas. These crystals attract white blood cells and can cause severe and painful gout attacks as well as chronic arthritis. Kidney stones can also be caused by uric acid, which can build up in the urinary tract.

Who gets Gout?

Gout is a condition that affects over 3,000,000 Americans. Gout and its complications are most common in postmenopausal women and men. It is closely linked to diabetes, obesity, hypertension (high blood sugar), hyperlipidemia(high cholesterol and high triglycerides) as well as hypertension (higher blood pressure), hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Gout is a condition that can be passed down from generation to generation. It rarely affects children.

If you already suffer from Gout, this is the best natural treatment: Zdravljenje protina

How can Gout be diagnosed?

Gout symptoms can also be caused by other forms of arthritis. Proper diagnosis (screening), is crucial. Gout is diagnosed when there is severe joint swelling, pain in one or more joints, and then a period of painless periods. Gout attacks often start at night.

The characteristic crystals are what will help diagnose the condition. A doctor might use a needle or a magnifying glass to remove fluid from the affected joint. Tophi deposits, which may be under the skin, may contain crystals. These tophi can be seen in cases of advanced gout.

It is important to measure the blood uric acid level, but it can be misleading if taken at the time an acute attack occurs. These levels may be normal for a short time or reduced during an attack. Even those who don’t have gout can have elevated levels of uric acid.

In long-term cases, gout may cause joint damage to X-rays. Ultrasound and dual energy computed tomography scans (CT) can reveal early signs of a joint with gout. These imaging techniques can also be used to diagnose the condition.

There are many natural remedies that help prevent Gout: Domača sredstva za protin